Sunday, June 19, 2005


Deadly Immunity
The crazy-ass, Jesus-hating liberals, led by a another damn Kennedy no less, are once again harping on the drug, Thimerosal, and it's relationship to autism and children from the little bit of mercury used in it. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has written a long 4-page anti-free market diatribe for a joint 'Salon/Rolling Stone (goddamn hippies) investigation'; and stirring up hatred toward our pharmaceutical industry again. Kennedy Jr. is a lot like his old man with all that 'justice for the little guy' crap!

Robert F. Jr. is just another whining do-gooder liberal when he brings up once again the "Eli Lilly Protection Act" that was mysteriously added to the Homeland Security Bill in 2002. Just because Bill Frist slipped a rider into that Bill that gave Eli Lilly and other drug companies immunity from any liability for Thimerosal, and even if it is true Eli Lilly gave Frist $10,000 for his campaign and bought 5,000 copies of his book, you can't tell me a good Christian man like Senator Frist would ever do such a thing.

Kennedy also alludes to the nauseating and often-repeated liberal rant about George W's budget director at the time, Mitch Daniels (now Indiana Governor) being a former executive at Eli Lilly. Yeah sure, a man like W would do something so sinister as to choose pharmaceutical companies over what's right for the children! George W. Bush is a God-fearing Christian, and he loves the little children.