Saturday, September 10, 2005

"Oblivious, In Denial, Dangerous"

"Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job." --President Gump, referring to FEMA director Michael Brown, Friday, September 2

Nancy Pelosi, the Minority leader in the House of Representatives, was right on the money when she said Bush was "Oblivious, In Denial, Dangerous" in his reaction to hurricane Katrina. Her comments last week came after she asked Bush if he was going to fire Mike Brown and the dumbest and most 'dangerous' president in history stupidly replied 'Why would I do that?'" and 'What didn't go right?'"

Even Bush's staunchest supporters have always admitted that he's not the brightest bulb on the shelf but their excuse for supporting someone so lame was that he would at least surround himself with smart, qualified people. Well, we know that's not true anymore since he surrounds himself not with capable people but with those who gave 10's of thousands of dollars for his political campaigns; And now the country will pay billions more for his blatant acts of cronyism.

It's time this country rids itself of the failed republican leadership that has bankrupted it, both financially and morally.

The country owes Nancy Pelosi their gratitude for being the leader it wishes Bush was.