Saturday, August 27, 2005


They lied, they made it up, and Colin Powell was set up to be the stooge


I finally got the chance this afternoon to see "Dead Wrong -- Inside an Intelligence Meltdown", and I hope all of you who fell for the Bush administration's lies that led us into needlessly attacking Iraq, saw it too.

You were duped and look what it's cost this country. Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rumsfeld, Rice, Tenet and others trumped the intelligence to convince the sheep, the 80% of you, to go along with diverting our attention away from bin Laden and Afghanistan to a war long favored by neocons.

Colin Powell was set up and made to look like the fool he actually turned out to be, all because Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz knew he’d make the perfect patsy.

Powell resigned in disgrace and will forever more be known first, not as a general or as our first African-American Secretary of State, but as the stooge who was assigned to be the administration's final liar, the set up man, in this country’s needless invasion of Iraq.

All of the Bush lies are now coming out-with even those close to this criminal administration now coming forward. Bush and those who lied with him need to be charged and imprisoned for lying this country into the needless and senseless war that has cost so much.

Be sure to watch "Dead Wrong -- Inside an Intelligence Meltdown", which airs Sunday on CNN at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m.

“Powell's presentation initially came from a document he described as "sort of a Chinese menu" that was provided by the White House”.