Wednesday, August 10, 2005


You're Either With Us...

Republicans support the troops and the mothers and fathers of the troops, just as long as you play by their rules and don’t criticize ‘W’ or anyone else in his administration.

From the right’s criticism of Paul Hackett’s service in Iraq, to their despicable treatment of Pat Tillman’s parents, to their rejection of Jessica Lynch to now their attempt to discredit Cindy Sheehan, they prove once again that they’ll support you, but you had better play by their rules or face the wrath of ‘Turd-Blossom’…

‘The Bush team tried to discredit "Mom" by pointing reporters to an old article in which she sounded kinder to W. If only her husband were an undercover C.I.A. operative, the Bushies could out him. But even if they send out a squad of Swift Boat Moms for Truth, there will be a countering Falluja Moms for Truth’