Thursday, August 18, 2005

Roadside Blast Kills Four U.S. Soldiers

Blood Runs Red, Not Blue

Four U.S. troops were killed in a roadside bomb blast north of Baghdad on Thursday.

For all the talk of supporting the troops, they are a low priority for most Americans. If the nation really cared, the president would not be frolicking at his ranch for the entire month of August. He'd be back in Washington burning the midnight oil, trying to figure out how to get the troops out of the terrible fix he put them in.

If the war in Iraq is worth fighting - if it's a noble venture, as the hawks insist it is - then it's worth fighting with the children of the privileged classes. They should be added to the combat mix. If it's not worth their blood, then we should bring the other troops home.

If Mr. Bush's war in Iraq is worth dying for, then the children of the privileged should be doing some of the dying.

Sign them up, chickenhawks. Of course, they won't volunteer, so I suggest we go to the list of registered Republicans and re-start the draft.

I wonder how quickly we'd be pulling out of Iraq with that suggestion?