Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Our Totally Discombobulated and Clueless President

Bush mourns Marine deaths, sees no early pullout

GRAPEVINE, Texas (Reuters) - President Bush, following the deadliest roadside bomb attack on U.S. forces in Iraq, said on Wednesday the best way to honor those killed was to fight the insurgents and train Iraqi troops, and he rejected any early U.S. pullout.

"We're at war. We're facing an enemy that is ruthless. If we put out a (pullout) timetable the enemy would adjust their tactics," he said in a speech.

I wonder if he thinks one of his daughters' lives would be worth 'training Iraqi troops"?

Those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, he said, "have died in a noble cause and a selfless cause."

'Iraq and Afghanistan'-two entirely different and totally unrelated situations. One, Afghanistan, he, Rumsfeld and Tommy Franks completely screwed up and Iraq, he led the country into needlessly at the cost of 1,820 lives and $300 billion.

He also did a little boasting on the U.S. economy, crediting his tax cuts for the growth and citing a recent forecast that the U.S. budget deficit this year will be $94 billion lower than expected.

"Some have questioned in Washington whether or not you can cut taxes and increase revenues from the Treasury," he said.

Some one needs to clue Dubya in to the fact that the country is STILL collecting over $100 BILLION a year LESS than when he took office. And, his budget deficit? It will still be the 3rd largest budget deficit in history-third only to his 2 previous record shattering deficits in 2003 and 2004 and after 4 years of him and total republican control of Congress an additional 1.5 TRILLION in additional debt. Yeah, Dumbya has a lot to 'boast' about, doesn't he?