Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Oh, by the way, 7 Marines Were Killed, too.

So much for the 'Liberal Media'. Even the 'liberal' New York Times has become insulated from the needless deaths of our soldiers and Marines in Bush's war. The lead part of their story is on the 'transfer' of our military in certain areas of Iraq; Of course, transfer OUT of areas that will be deemed safe enough that all those Iraqis we've trained so well can fend for themselves.

But what did you expect from a period of time when the 'commander-in-chief' (sic) doesn't have the common decency to meet and pay respect to any of the 1,806 fallen when their bodies return and whose mother, the one and only ugly bag of a bitch, Barbara, said she didn't want to 'waste her beautiful mind' with images of body bags of those who sacrificed their lives for her son's lies?

Real nice family, them Bushes.