Saturday, August 20, 2005



Proving those wrong who say the ‘miserable failure’ known as ‘W’, doesn’t pay attention to polls, a desperate and rattled ‘Dubya’ will begin a 5-day campaign in an attempt to convince the sheep that his needless invasion of Iraq was worth the cost.

Even though it’s been proven over and over again, and the majority of the people now know that Iraq wasn’t a threat or involved in 9/11, ‘W’ will once again attempt to link the two. Unfortunately for him, and his 30-35% base, who love the Republican Party more than their country and certainly more than the ‘troops’, it won’t work.

"By advancing the cause of liberty in a troubled region, we are bringing security to our own citizens and laying the foundations of peace for our children and grandchildren."

Oh really, ol' Liar-in-Chief? You better hope you'll be able to re-convince all those sheep who swallowed the last time you said that; it doesn't look good.

It's 10 months too late to save the country from this miserably failing administration but hopefully the nation will wise-up and elect a Democrat majority into the House of Representatives in 2006, so we can impeach the liar and convict those guilty of lying about the link between Iraq and 9/11.

That will be an impeachment that's justified.