Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Ariel Sharon wants $2 billion from American taxpayers for the removal of 8,500 Jewish settlers from Gaza. That’s over $235,000 per person. So, for a family of four, that’s a cool million from us Americans who, as you know, have gobs and gobs of extra cash just lying around. $235,000 per person!!

Since the signing of the Camp David Accords in 1978, American taxpayers have given Israel anywhere from $3-$5 billion per year. There are approximately 6 million Israelis. That means American taxpayers are giving every citizen in Israel $833 per year. For a family of four, that’s a nice little supplement of $3,300-$3,400 every year.

Am I only the only American taxpayer who is tired of this bullshit?

“Our strongest ally in the middle east”. Well, no shit. I wonder why that is?

(Update-I just read in my Wednesday morning newspaper that it's "1,600 families" that are being evicted from Gaza. That works out to $1,250,000 for every family.)