Thursday, August 04, 2005


It's Not 'Iraq Fatigue', It's Iraq Embarrassment.

Have you noticed Hannity & Colmes, Bill O'Reilly and most all rightwing TV and radio talk show hosts spend the majority of their time now talking about missing blondes in Aruba, newly wed grooms disappearing from cruise ships and whether Jennifer Anniston will get through her marriage breakup?

Bob Herbert has a column in the NY Times today that points out that "viewers, readers and editors are tiring of stories about the war and the number of deaths".

'Tiring, fatique'? No, it's a simple case of embarrassment. When Dubya and his co-conspirators diverted our country's real 'war on terror' in Afghanistan to Iraq, 80% of the country fell for the deception and now that number is down to 39%. Over 50% of the country now acknowledges that Dubya and Co. lied about the threat from Iraq.

People aren't fatigued about all the war deaths, they're embarrassed that the 20% of us who warned them are not going to let them bury the news and forget their ignorance. I've got some of these stooges now trying to pin me down on when and if we should withdraw, or 'surrender', when the answer is simply; no dumbass, if you would have listened there would be no need to 'surrender' because there was no need to go into Iraq because they didn't have anything to do with 9/11 and weren't a threat, just like I said back in March 2003.

Originally Bush and his minions lied and convinced the sheep that Iraq was trying to buy yellowcake uranium from Niger and that if we didn't act soon there could be a 'mushroom cloud' over New York and unfortunately, the vast majority (80%) fell for it. Soon, when it was proven those were lies (George Tenet and others admitted publicly that Bush should NOT have used those infamous 16 words in the 2003 SOTU)and not a single 'WMD' was ever found in Iraq, all of sudden the reason for going to war was to 'spread democracy in the middle east". Now the simple-minded try to use the 'we're drawing the terrorists into Iraq' excuse-which couldn't get much lamer.

This all kind of reminds me of the reverse of the Henry Aaron hitting number 715 scenario. You know, where there's now 250,000 people who swear they were there when he broke Babe Ruth's homerun record? The 80% is dwindling rapidly and soon you won't be able to find 10 people who will admit they fell for Dubya's lies. Sixty million people voted for Bush and soon you'll be lucky to find many who will admit to it. It's already happening where I live. I have a neighbor across the street from me who had 4 Bush/Cheney lawn signs in his yard just 8 months ago and he says he didn't vote for Bush? Ducking, running and hiding.

It's not 'fatigue'-it's simply embarrassment and it's certainly understandable. You WILL continue to get updated on the war casualties-the results of Bush's lies at this blog, because I'm not 'fatigued' at all about reminding you-I told you so.