Thursday, August 18, 2005


Limbaugh Going Insane

One of the finer things to witness is the Republican’s three-time divorced, hypocritical drug addict, ‘Mr. Republican Family Values’, Eldrugbo Limbaugh, losing it.

Limbaugh’s many lies are well documented almost daily on the excellent website, Media Matters for America.

The effect of Eldrugbo’s oxycotin addiction was not only the loss of his hearing but his mind is also failing fast.

Only two short days after comparing Cindy Sheehan to Bill Burkett, the Republican’s most admired drug-addict denied saying it. Even after posting the comment on his website.

Polls show that listeners of Limbaugh’s radio show are the second most misinformed people in the country-second only to Fox News viewers. And most of those listeners can’t figure out why they can’t stand up on debating the issues. Duh.

As I said, there’s nothing much better than seeing this despicable piece of garbage losing his mind. Poor fat-ass.

Eldrugbo Limbaugh on 8/17/05
“Apparently, what's out there is that I said that Cindy Sheehan is no different than Bill Burkett, that Bill Burkett lied and Cindy Sheehan lied. They're actually out there, people saying that I am accusing Cindy Sheehan of making up the fact that she had a son and making up the fact that her son died in Iraq. And of course, I've never said this”.

Eldrugbo Limbaugh on 8/15/05
“I mean, Cindy Sheehan is just Bill Burkett. Her story is nothing more than forged documents. There's nothing about it that's real…”

Get a new hero, losers!

Well, on second thought, it is more fun with you being stupid...